Services >> Neural Organisation Technique

Neural Organisation Technique

N.O.T is a form of applied kinesiology that aims at improving the function of the nervous system.

What is Neural Organisation Technique?

N.O.T is a manual muscle testing technique that can uncover poorly performing areas of the body and aims to improve and reorganise their function in relation to fundamental survival systems. (Physical, Emotional and Chemical)

How did I get nerve irritation?

Nerve irritation often occurs in people due to micro trauma (e.g. slouching/ posture), macro trauma (larger injuries/ car accidents), or through chemical or emotional stressors (e.g. diet/ sleep/ mental health).

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How does NOT work?

N.O.T. works to identify neural ‘disorganisation’ that comes from your body’s unresolved reaction to everyday stressors (e.g. emotional stress, injuries and biochemical changes). N.O.T. procedures involve a series of spinal and brain health checks designed to review the health of your nervous system. This ‘system check’ basically explores your functional status for the root of the injury or bio-mechanical instability.

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Consultation, Exam and Adjustment