Services >> Chiropractic


Chiropractic is a natural, drug-free approach to spinal care and well-being.

What is a Chiropractor?

A health profession concerned with the diagnosis, treatment and prevention of mechanical disorders of the musculoskeletal system, and the effects of these disorders on the function of the nervous system and general health. There is an emphasis on manual treatments including spinal adjustment and other joint and soft- tissue manipulation.’ (World Federation of Chiropractic, 2009).

Are you a recognised healthcare provider?

Yes! Australian Chiropractors are nationally recognised primary healthcare providers on completion of a 5 year Bachelor Degree.

Free Enquiry

Chiropractic Involves:

Why should I come see a chiropractor?

Research demonstrates that the primary reasons patients consult chiropractors are back pain (approx. 60%), other musculoskeletal pain such as pain in the neck, shoulder, extremities and arthritic pain (20%) and headaches including migraine (10%). Around 1 in 10 (10%) present with a wide variety of conditions caused, aggravated or mimicked by neuromusculoskeletal disorders (e.g. pseudo angina, dysmenorrhea, respiratory and digestive dysfunctions). (World Federation of Chiropractic, 2009).

We can also:

New Patient First Visit

Consultation, Exam and Adjustment