New Patients

We have recently gone paperless, so look out for an email from us with an “initial consultation” link that will direct you to a quick an easy online form to fill out before you come in for you first visit

At your first visit, we will determine if this the correct treatment for you. This involves a friendly conversation about your previous history and injuries (please bring in any GP letters, scans etc) before completing an in-depth physical examination. We may refer you for other testing to diagnose your condition, such as x-rays or blood tests.
In most cases, we will provide treatment on the initial consultation, followed up for a second appointment within a few days time to see how your body is healing. After your initial appointment, your chiropractor will put together a personalised game plan for your condition so we can put you on the fast track to healing and wellbeing.

Our Process


Fill out Form

Print and fill the form above, or please arrive a few minutes before your appointment to fill it out one of the intake forms.

Meet with the Doctor

The Chiropractor will take a thorough medical history to see if your issue is something we can help with.


A physical examination to assess the spine and other muscles and joints to help diagnose your condition.


On most initial visits we will complete a small treatment (if indicated) focused on your specific area of complaint.

Frequently Asked Questions

Everyone! Chiropractors in Australia are Primary healthcare practitioners. Meaning we are trained to treat everyone and diagnose, refer or treat if appropriate. This included children, pregnant women, the elderly and everyone in between. Have a look at our conditions page, or give us a call and ask!
This changes with every patient. At Touchpoint we have a three tier system taking patients from initial acute phases through to rehabilitation and wellbeing. Each phase builds upon the previous, working with you to achieve your specific wellbeing goals. You can choose to stop at any time, or enter into the complete process.
Yes you are able to claim with private health. Our receptionists will show you how.
Nope! So click on the online bookings button and get started.
This is a tough question to answer as it changes greatly for individual people. It depends on what structure you injured (muscle, ligament, bone) and also on your current health and previous related (or sometimes unrelated) injuries. If you book an initial appointment our chiropractor will be able to provide you a game plan to get you feeling better!

If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact us