Conditions >> Pregnancy-Related Issues

Pregnancy-Related Issues

Gentle adjustments that align the pelvis to allow it to function appropriately during pregnancy.

Pelvic issues may arise in the pregnant woman due to various factors, including hormones and extra stress on the pelvic structures.

Patients are made comfortable with a specially designed pillow that allows you to lie on your stomach with no pressure on the baby. Most women love this option as they haven’t been able to lie face down for months!

Research shows that first-time mothers who receive chiropractic care during their pregnancy have a reduced labour time of 24% compared to women who did not receive chiropractic care. In addition, other studies show that women who receive chiropractic care during pregnancy can deliver their babies with less pain and have shorter recovery periods after birth.

Treatments to pregnant women are not significant ‘cracking’ adjustments. Instead, they are usually much gentler and just as effective.

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New Patient First Visit

Consultation, Exam and Adjustment