Are you experiencing the following:
Muscle tension in your shoulder blades?
Restricted and painful movement?
Difficulty bending forwards or backward?
Sciatic pain down your legs?
Pain when breathing in deeply?
Slouched posture?
Pain getting in and out of bed?
Muscle spasms?
This is our most treated ‘condition’. With such a large number of causes, it isn’t hard to believe that at some point in their life, nearly everybody suffers from back pain. It can be triggered in so many ways, such as bending down to pick something up, or through trauma like car accidents or sporting injuries. It can range from a little niggle to debilitating pain that prevents normal posture or even walking.
Common Causes of Mid Back Pain:
Poor posture / spinal alignment
Inactivity / sedentary lifestyle
Prolonged sitting
Repetitive poor movement
Poor lifting technique
Sports injuries
Underlying disease or pathology (rare)
Treating Back Pain at Touchpoint:
Our job is to locate the root of the issue, estimate a healing time and give targeted treatment to lessen the pressure on the injury and allow your body to heal itself.
To see if Chiropractic can help with your back pain, enquire with our team or book online today.
Meet Your Revesby Chiropractors
Dr Charles Williams and Dr Jay Harthun (Chiropractors) are here to help you on your health journey. Meet our team before you arrive at the practice.
New Patients
Visit 1: Initial Consult. Includes a thorough medical history, hands on assessment, SEMG scan (new technology that assesses the muscle activity of your spinal muscles) and AI helped postural examinations. Treatment may or may not provided on this session, depending if other scans are needed. This is up to the discretion of the practitioner.
Visit 2: Explanation Of Findings & Recommendations PLUS treatment

Our friendly chiropractors are dedicated to helping you achieve your health and wellness goals. Simply book your first appointment online to get started.